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27 May
09:10 – 09:20
Walking: 1 чел.
Session perticipants
Сергей Катырин

Информационные партнеры
"Medical Education and Science in the Age of Digitalization"
Olga Bashkina
Rector of Astrakhan State University, Ministry of Health of Russia
Leonid Ogul
Member of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Health Protection
Adelia Umerova
Head of the Territorial Body of Roszdravnadzor for Astrakhan Oblast
Vladimir Chetii
President of the World Association of Graduates
Evgenii Popov
Vice-Rector for Educational Work of Astrakhan State University, Ministry of Health Care of Russia
Marina Samotrueva
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Astrakhan State University at the Ministry of Health of Russia
Alexey Spirin
Minister of Health of Astrakhan Region
Olga Agafonova
First Deputy Minister of Health, Astrakhan Region
Marina Shapovalova
Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education, Astrakhan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia
"Complex security of the Caspian macro-region in the digital age: socio-cultural, geopolitical, economic and environmental aspects"
Asiia Belialova
Acting Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Sergei Pereslegin
Director of the Center for Knowledge Economy at the International Research Institute of Management Problems
Viktor Vodolatskii
Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Miroslav Makstenek
Adviser to the CEO of United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation
Salamat Idrisov
Rector of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, Kazakhstan
Marina Krivenkaya
Director of the Centre for Regional Studies and Humanitarian-Educational Cooperation, Moscow Pedagogical State University, UNESCO Chair coordinator
Tatiana Goverdovskaya
Head of the Chair of International Law, Astrakhan State University
Lyaysan Krainyukova
Assistant of the Chair of International Law, Astrakhan State University
1st Guzhvin Readings Conference “Anatoly Guzhvin: Epoch and Personality”
Igor Babushkin
Governor of Astrakhan region
Konstantin Markelov
Rector of Astrakhan State University
Viktor Arkhipov
Chair of the Russian National Committee for Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Valerii Pospelov
President of the Food Security Unit of the International Informatization Academy with the general consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Yurii Nikitin
writer, the author of memoirs about Anatoly Guzhvin “Man for All Time”
Vitalii Gutman
Minister of Education and Science of Astrakhan region
Aleksandr Soloviev
representative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives of Astrakhan region
Igor Sedov
Chairman of the Astrakhan Municipal Duma